

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Greg Hallett's Impressive History of Publishing and Publicity with Indie Media Eastcoast and Carrie Kohan


Greg Hallett, 2002, New Zealand.. "Are You My Father? Family Court & Other Experiments"

Book 13... showing up on Amazon listing as "unavailable" order at the website link here:

"This is a downloadable book in pdf format, not a physical book.

From 1539 the Jesuits inverted Jesus’ teachings and called themselves the ‘Society of Jesus’. Jesuits became a secret Zombie Land Grab Military Order & Protection Racket for total land ownership of the world, and control of all Sovereignty, via ‘No Values’.
Jesuits emigrated into dozens of countries with their instruction manual – ‘The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits’.
Jesuits demanded blind obedience from members, targeted Widows, sent inheriting sons to far-off Jesuit Universities, then stole all the Widow’s property and discarded them as ‘Old Mother Hubbard … Who Lived in a Shoe’.
Jesuits took over the Papacy to take over the World, then stole the Throne and Crown of Scotland by ensuring King James VI of Scotland ~ James I of Brittaine was an illegitimate Jesuit Servant who was never crowned. All the Stuart Monarchs were illegitimate from 1567, and Jesuit from 1583–1688.
Jesuits habilitated false Charters, Cartularies, History, Laws & Pancartes into British Libraries and The National Archives to become the centre of Blacklisting against true English Royalty.
Jesuits then coadjutored the Police to create Catch & Release criminals who bear false witness against colleagues, friends and relatives … especially those fulfilling the Prophecy."

Carrie Kohan's Twitter post for Joseph Gregory Hallett's book "Queen Anne Bolyn - Great Escape and Legacy" on Amazon.

More here:

Book 01 Queen Anne Boleyn’s Great Escape and Legacy

"This is a downloadable book in pdf format, not a physical book.

Anne Boleyn returned from the Royal Courts in Europe to England in 1522 as the representative of the Holy Grael lineage. Her goal was to reclaim all the lands the Catholic Church held in England, and to print a complete Christian Bible in English.
Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn twice & made her Marquesse of Pembroke. Anne then had her own 4-day Coronation ceremony becoming ‘Queen Anne Boleyn of England’ in her own right.
Henry VIII then divorced Anne ‘Bulleyn’ and the misnamed ‘Marquis of Penbroke’, so the marriage and titles Queen of England & Marquesse of Pembroke remained intact, to be passed down any illegitimate male line to the man fulfilling the prophecy.
Countess Salisbury organised Queen Anne Boleyn’s escape from her Tower of London execution using the Hereditary Grand Almoner, 1st Marquess of Exeter ~ ‘Exit-Her’.
The Keeper of the Privy Purse was executed 2 days earlier, so the Almoners could fund the execution however they wanted. They timed it for sun-strike & the entire crowd looking directly east into the sun, with Anne Boleyn in total silhouette.
Anne Boleyn, Marquesse of Pembroke, Queen of England then escaped up the Thames “The most happy” in a Royal & Religious coup that would reign down the centuries. This is non-fiction"

Thanks to all helping to get the word out there!

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